
Education Programs: Institutes for K-12 Educators

Period of Performance

10/1/2021 - 9/30/2023

Funding Totals

$186,867.00 (approved)
$186,166.00 (awarded)

Courting Liberty: Slavery and Equality Under the Constitution, 1770-1870

FAIN: ES-281266-21

Georgia State University Research Foundation, Inc. (Atlanta, GA 30302-3999)
Chara Haeussler Bohan (Project Director: March 2021 to present)
H. Robert Baker (Co Project Director: July 2021 to present)

A two-week, residential institute for 6th through 12th grade educators on the Constitution and its interpretations with respect to slavery and equality.  

The institute will focus on middle school (6-8) and high school educators (9-12), but may also include K-5 teachers who demonstrate substantial commitment to teaching U.S. History.

Associated Products

Teaching Enslavement in American History (Teaching Critical Themes in American History, 4) (Book)
Title: Teaching Enslavement in American History (Teaching Critical Themes in American History, 4)
Author: Chara Haeussler Bohan
Author: H. Robert Baker
Author: LaGarrett J. King
Author: Wade Morris
Abstract: Teaching Enslavement in American History provides classroom teachers with the resources necessary to navigate one of the most difficult topics in any history course. This volume is the product of a collaboration between three university professors and a team of experienced middle and high school teachers. Its nine chapters include the context for topics like the middle passage, the Constitution's position on enslavement, African cultural retention, and resistance to enslavement. The resources include 18 lesson plans and dozens of short primary and secondary sources modeled on document-based questions and the inquiry design model. Real teaching requires courage, a deep understanding of the complexity of the subject matter, and skillful use of primary sources. Rather than teaching students what to think, Teaching Enslavement in American History pushes students to learn how to think: empirical argumentation, source evaluation, understanding of change-over-time, and analysis of historical context. The lessons in this book ask students to read, analyze, and contextualize a variety of primary sources, to identify the limitations of these sources and to articulate historical contradiction where it occurs. At the heart of this book is the belief that historical consciousness leads to societal change. Teaching about enslavement is not merely about teaching a curriculum, it is about molding citizens who will lead our democracy in its journey to become a more perfect union.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Publisher: Peter Lang
Type: Multi-author monograph
ISBN: 978-1433157738

Historic and Contemporary Efforts to Assist Teachers Amidst Culture Wars (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Historic and Contemporary Efforts to Assist Teachers Amidst Culture Wars
Author: Chara Bohan
Author: Matthew Shiloh
Abstract: Given the context of American political polarization, teachers are understandably concerned about becoming victims of the culture wars, especially where legislation concerning the teaching of “divisive concepts” or “anti-critical race theory” has been passed. In the first part of our presentation, we examine historic suppression of teachers through the example of the attack on Harold Rugg’s textbook series. The second part of our presentation will be to examine the contemporary political challenges to the teaching profession, and most currently consider the anti-”CRT” legislation and resolutions that threaten to undermine, or possibly outlaw, the very notion of teaching the divisive issues, especially as they pertain to race. We will look, particularly, at Derrick Bell, who is the founder of Critical Race Theory, yet whose beliefs have been both largely ignored, as well as amalgamated into the myriad beliefs that conservatives find troubling in public schools. We conclude with suggestions for teachers. (The suggestions is where we featured the NEH work).
Date: 06/22/2023
Primary URL:
Conference Name: Social Science Education Consortium

All we are is memory: How should slavery and its legacy be taught in US schools? (Web Resource)
Title: All we are is memory: How should slavery and its legacy be taught in US schools?
Author: Donna Bryson
Abstract: Not available - long featured media article. Part of a 7 series project by Reuters titled "Slavery's Descendants"
Year: 2023
Primary URL: http://