Re-Enchanting Nature: Humanities Perspectives
FAIN: FV-272458-20
Carroll College (Helena, MT 59625-0001)
Edward Glowienka (Project Director: March 2020 to July 2024)
Corrie K. Williamson (Co Project Director: July 2020 to July 2024)
A three-week seminar for 16 teachers on the relationship of humans to the natural world.
"Re-Enchanting Nature: Humanities Perspectives" is a three-week seminar for school teachers that explores human relationships with nature through philosophical, literary, historical, and cultural perspectives. Hosted at Carroll College, in Helena MT, and Yellowstone National Park, the seminar exposes participants to a range of perspectives. It prepares educators to bring the humanities into dialogue with the natural sciences on topics regarding nature.
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Audience: K - 12