
Preservation and Access: Reference Materials - Tools

Period of Performance

10/1/1978 - 10/31/1981

Funding Totals

$67,799.00 (approved)
$63,138.00 (awarded)

Classical Scholarship: An Annotated Bibliography

FAIN: RT-*1427-78

Catholic University of America (Washington, DC 20064-0001)
Thomas P. Halton (Project Director: May 1978 to October 1990)

To produce a revised, updated and newly structured edition of Martin R. P. McGuire, Introduction to Classical Scholarship: a Syllabus and Bibliographical Guide, The Catholic University of America Press, Washington, DC, 1961. 9,000 bibliographical items will be retrieved on OCLC machines at CU and from other machine-readable sources. Data will be edited and processed for conversion to a machine readable file.

Associated Products

Classical scholarship : an annotated bibliography (Book)
Title: Classical scholarship : an annotated bibliography
Author: Halton, Thomas P.
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: WorldCat entry
Publisher: Kraus International
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: 9780527374365