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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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AD-50032-11Education Programs: Humanities Initiatives at Tribal Colleges and UniversitiesSalish Kootenai CollegeTribal Historic Preservation and the Humanities1/1/2011 - 12/31/2013$100,000.00JeffreyCapBendremer   Salish Kootenai CollegePabloMT59855USA2010AnthropologyHumanities Initiatives at Tribal Colleges and UniversitiesEducation Programs10000001000000

A three-year project to create an interdisciplinary bachelor's degree program in Tribal Historic Preservation.

Salish Kootenai College proposes to expand the current humanities and liberal arts programs to create a Bachelor’s Degree program in Tribal Historic Preservation based in the Liberal Arts Department. This program would prepare students for employment in historic preservation, cultural resource management and cultural departments. An integrated, multidisciplinary course of study featuring diverse humanities content is the key component of the prospective Tribal Historic Preservation program of study and will include instruction in anthropology, English, history, Native American studies including numerous offerings in Native American arts, crafts, oral tradition, language, traditional technologies and visual arts. The planning process for THP program will provide the opportunity to improve instruction at SKC by coordinating the diverse multidisciplinary curricula across the humanities to emphasize the importance of Native American heritage, stewardship and historic preservation.