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Grant number like: AE-277676-21

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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
AE-277676-21Education Programs: Humanities Initiatives at Community CollegesResearch Foundation Of The City University Of New YorkVoices and Experiences of Poverty: A New Interdisciplinary Humanities Curriculum2/1/2021 - 1/31/2025$150,000.00Sangeeta BishopChristine FariasResearch Foundation Of The City University Of New YorkNew YorkNY10007-1044USA2020Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Initiatives at Community CollegesEducation Programs15000001500000

A three-year curriculum development project that would create interdisciplinary course modules and curricular materials examining poverty.

Faculty at Borough of Manhattan Community College (CUNY-BMCC) propose a 36-month program, Voices and Experiences of Poverty – A New Interdisciplinary Humanities Curriculum, that would bring together faculty from the diverse disciplines of philosophy, economics, history, business, and women’s studies, to create a new interdisciplinary curriculum. The project creates a poverty focus for introducing humanities texts, which will allow us to bring cross-disciplinary studies in literature, history, and philosophy into any of our community college classrooms and has three interconnected components: (I) the “Poverty and Humanities Institute for Faculty,” (II) “Voicing Poverty” events and activities hosted at the BMCC campus, and (III) the “Poverty, Humanities, and Teaching” website, which will include both a digital database and student-centered digital humanities project called "Mapping Poverty."