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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
AKA-270141-20Education Programs: Humanities Connections Planning GrantsPurdue UniversityIntegrating the Humanities and Global Engineering6/1/2020 - 5/31/2022$35,000.00Lori CzerwioknaEricA.NaumanPurdue UniversityWest LafayetteIN47907-2040USA2020Interdisciplinary Studies, OtherHumanities Connections Planning GrantsEducation Programs35000032451.480

A curricular development project integrating the humanities with global engineering through an expanded program of language and cultural study.

This project expands the role of humanities in undergraduate education at Purdue by integrating language and cultural studies with global engineering. The project has four initiatives, an engineering design course linking engineering and cultural analyses, a research course in which students use a second language and apply humanistic-engineering skills in an internship abroad, a speaker series and associated hands-on academic activities that join cross-disciplinary programs, and a redesign of both pre- and post-internship abroad workshops based on our framework. Purdue, a world leader in engineering education and well-known for cross disciplinary humanities programs, is the ideal institution to highlight the professional and societal value of the humanities. This project will give students a unique set of analytical skills, shape the future practices of global engineering industries, and impact the broader society that will benefit from culturally-relevant engineering solutions.