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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
AP-50017-10Education Programs: Picturing America School Collaboration ProjectsPrimary Source"'Democratic Vistas': Civic Life, History, and Picturing America"4/1/2010 - 3/31/2011$67,836.00Susan Zeiger   Primary SourceWatertownMA02472-4052USA2010Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralPicturing America School Collaboration ProjectsEducation Programs678360573360

One two-day conference in summer 2010 for thirty-five K-12 educators to strengthen the use of Picturing America images in the core subjects of the school curriculum.

""Democratic Vistas: Civic Life, History, and American Art" invites educators from Picturing America recipient schools in New England to explore the theme of democracy in American art, history and culture. Through a two-day conference in Boston and dissemination activities, Primary Source seeks to deepen the knowledge and capacity of educators to teach about important works of art as an expression of the inclusive democratic tradition and to cultivate an understanding of how to incorporate artworks across core K-12 subjects. Keynote scholars will present on democratic values in American art history, and folk and vernacular art as American art.