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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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AQ-50572-11Education Programs: Enduring Questions: Pilot Course GrantsGeorgetown UniversityNEH Enduring Questions Course on "What Is Equality?"5/1/2011 - 12/31/2014$25,000.00SamanthaNicolePintoLahra SmithGeorgetown UniversityWashingtonDC20057-0001USA2011Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralEnduring Questions: Pilot Course GrantsEducation Programs250000250000

The development of an undergraduate course on the concept of equality in the cultural and historical contexts of Europe, Africa, and the United States.

"Equality," is, in many ways, the cornerstone of modern conceptions of society, government, and global human rights. Since the Enlightenment, it has been the express concern of the "Western" world. But it is also, historically and culturally, controversial: What does "equality" mean? Or, as a famous law article on the topic asks, "Equality of what?" This proposed course would trace the European and US philosophical traditions of equality alongside cross-cultural conceptions and critiques of the term, particularly those produced by African authors and artists. In doing so, it hopes to unsettle easy assumptions about the term's meaning, and to bridge American ideals of equality to a global understanding of the term.