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Grant number like: BC-50238-05

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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
BC-50238-05Federal/State Partnership: Grants for State Humanities CouncilsIdaho Humanities CouncilAmerican Identity Programs in Idaho7/1/2005 - 12/31/2006$53,230.00RichardK.Ardinger   Idaho Humanities CouncilBoiseID83702-6053USA2005U.S. HistoryGrants for State Humanities CouncilsFederal/State Partnership38230150003823015000

To support presentations to public audiences on topics related to American history and culture; a summer institute for teachers on Native American literature; reading and discussion programs exploring themes of Lewis and Clark and American identity; programming for public audiences to complement "Barn Again,"a traveling exhibit; and grants to institutions throughout the state on themes related to American hsitory and culture.

The IHC proposes several programs to help Idahoans explore “We the People” themes: (1) 50 public presentations from IHC’s Speaker’s Bureau examining WTP topics; (2) a summer teacher institute focusing on “Survival and Celebration in Native American Literature”; (3) a series of “Let’s Talk About It” reading and discussion programs, exploring themes of Lewis and Clark and American identity; (4) public programs complementing the Smithsonian exhibits sponsored through the Museum on Main Street project; and (5) a variety of Regrant programs featuring “We the People” themes.