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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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BI-50128-10Education Programs: Landmarks of American History for Community Colleges, WTPAlpena Community CollegeShipwrecks and Maritime Landscapes of the Great Lakes10/1/2010 - 12/31/2011$124,192.00CatherineMoraineGreenJohnOdinJensenAlpena Community CollegeAlpenaMI49707-1410USA2010U.S. HistoryLandmarks of American History for Community Colleges, WTPEducation Programs12419201241920

Two one-week Landmarks workshops for fifty community college faculty members to explore U. S. economic history in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries through the Great Lakes shipwrecks preserved at Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

Two one-week workshops for community college faculty based on the interdisciplinary study of American history through the lens of the historic shipwrecks and maritime landscape of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary in Alpena, Michigan. The shipwrecks of Thunder Bay are touchstones for historic research and archaeological study, true American landmarks providing untapped opportunities for artifact & place-based education. Embedded in each site, one finds larger core themes and stories from maritime frontiers and westward expansion, to industrialization and perceptions of the environment. Moreover, these historic sites are physical portals to engage students in a wide range of humanities, from history and archaeology to art and literature. A nationally renowned faculty of historians, archaeologists, and educators will lead participants to explore the wrecks themselves, delve into archival research, immersing themselves in material culture studies and historic resource interpretation.