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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
BK-50059-07Public Programs: Interpreting America's Historic Places ConsultationLexington Historical SocietyInterpreting Munroe Tavern as the "Museum of the British" in Lexington, Massachusetts4/1/2007 - 3/31/2008$15,000.00Susan Bennett   Lexington Historical SocietyLexingtonMA02420-0005USA2007U.S. HistoryInterpreting America's Historic Places ConsultationPublic Programs150000104300

Consultation for a reinterpretation of Munroe Tavern that would tell the story of the British military and soldiers during the American Revolution.

Munroe Tavern, temporary field headquarters of the British Army during its retreat from Concord to Boston on April 19, 1775, is one of three historic sites with important connections to the Battle of Lexington that are interpreted by the Lexington Historical Society. Munroe Tavern has not been re-interpreted for many years. Some of the furnishings of the house are not period appropriate, and the exhibits are outdated and stale. This project would enlist humanities scholars in a consultation about a major re-interpretation of this important historic site. The Historical Society's tentative plans are to make Munroe Tavern the "Museum of the British" in Lexington that would tell the story of the British military and individual British soilders in the context of the early days of the American Revolution. Re-interpreting Munroe Tavern would enrich the visitor experience to Lexington, Massachusetts and encourage critical thinking about the various stakeholders in the American Revolution.