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Grant number like: CH-50438-08

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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
CH-50438-08Challenge Programs: Challenge GrantsHistoric Cherry HillHistoric Cherry Hill: Initiative to Strengthen Public Access to the Humanities6/1/2006 - 10/31/2015$575,000.00LiselleM.LaFrance   Historic Cherry HillAlbanyNY12202-1111USA2007U.S. HistoryChallenge GrantsChallenge Programs05750000546091

Restoration of a 1787 house, endowment for the Curatorial and Research Department, and fund-raising expenses.

Historic Cherry Hill requests a $575,000 Challenge Grant from NEH in support of a $2.3 million capital campaign. HCH's objective in launching the campaign is to strengthen public intellectual access to the humanities and Cherry Hill's rich, unique resources. The campaign has three components: 1) restoration/ repairs to the 1787 home, listed on the National Register of Historic Places; 2) endowment of the Curatorial and Research Department, including salaries of the Curator, part-time Manuscript Specialist, and operation of the Edward Frisbee Center for Collections & Research; and 3) investment in the museum's development/fund raising program, which is essential to stabilizing and expanding operations now and in the years to come. Home to five generations of Van Rensselaers, Cherry Hill today tells a nationally significant story through a personal family lens, using the site's intact collections of 20,000 objects, 30,000 manuscripts, 7,500 textiles, 5,000 books and 3,000 photographs.