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Grant number like: CH-50657-09

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
CH-50657-09Challenge Programs: Challenge GrantsAugustana UniversityStrengthening the Endowment of Augustana College's Center for Western Studies12/1/2006 - 7/31/2013$300,000.00HarryF.Thompson   Augustana UniversitySioux FallsSD57197-0001USA2008History, GeneralChallenge GrantsChallenge Programs03000000300000

To Support: augmentation of the college's endowment for the support of the Center for Western Studies

Augustana College, a Christian liberal arts institution affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in North America seeks a challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to strengthen the Center for Western Studies' endowment. The Center is a department of the College with the mission of preserving and interpreting the history and cultures of the Northern Plains. As an archives, museum, academic publisher, and provider of educational programming and internships for the students and the campus, as well as the region, Augustana is seeking a $300,000 challenge grant matched by the College on a four-to-one basis for a total endowment campaign of $1,500,000. A successful campaign will increase the Center's endowment and provide dollars to support, enhance, and expand the Center's main program areas which include the Archives and Library Program, the Dakota Conference on Northern Plains, Educational Exhibits, the Publications Program, and the Building Fund.