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Grant number like: CH-50770-11

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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
CH-50770-11Challenge Programs: Challenge GrantsBaltimore Museum of ArtConservation Endowment12/1/2008 - 8/31/2014$750,000.00Thomas Primeau   Baltimore Museum of ArtBaltimoreMD21218-3898USA2009Art History and CriticismChallenge GrantsChallenge Programs07500000750000

Funding supports an endowment for the Director of Conservation position as well as direct funds for the acquisition of a portable x-ray fluorescence spectrometer.

The Baltimore Museum of Art requests $1 million to endow the Director of Conservation position, provide bridge funding directed to this purpose, and purchase research equipment: $3.5 million to establish an endowment to support the Director of Conservation position, specifically salary, fringe benefits, travel, and professional development for this leadership position. The endowment will also help fund an on-going, collection-based program of conservation research and public presentation. $450,500 in bridge funding to support the Director of Conservation position and conservation research and public presentation while matching funds are being raised and invested in the endowment. $49,500 to purchase a portable x-ray fluorescence spectrometer, a critical research tool which will make it possible for BMA conservators to identify on site the important characteristics of materials in a work of art, which is essential to it care, preservation, and interpretation.