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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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CHA-261881-19Challenge Programs: Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge GrantsReynolda House Museum of American ArtReynolda House Roof Renovation10/1/2018 - 12/31/2022$420,482.00Phil Archer   Reynolda House Museum of American ArtWinston-SalemNC27106-5117USA2018Arts, GeneralInfrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge GrantsChallenge Programs04204820420482

A project to repair the 100-year old roof at the Reynolda House Museum of American Art, once the country estate of R.J. and Katharine Reynolds. Repair of the historic tile roof would preserve the museum’s collection of fine art, which includes works by Thomas Cole, Grant Wood, and Georgia O’Keefe, among others, and enable the museum to conduct humanities programming for research, education, and the public.

Reynolda House Museum of American Art (RHMAA) seeks funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities for repair of its 100-year-old signature tile roof, a project necessary for the preservation of the museum’s fine and decorative art collections and humanities programming.  In November 2017, several small leaks revealed concerns that were previously undetected. Deteriorated fasteners have caused courses of tile to slip, with individual tile grooves holding the unfastened tiles in place. Failing copper seams, pitted copper flashing, and degraded underlayment were observed in multiple locations, and exposed fasteners were observed on all tiled hip ridges. Funds from this challenge grant will support the restoration and repair of the roof tiles, copper flashing, roof decking, gutters, membranes, stipends and fees for project consultants, and public programming.