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Grant number like: EH-*1031-77

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
EH-*1031-77Education Programs: Institutes for Higher Education FacultyRegents of the University of MichiganInternational Conference on the Philosophy of Graduate Education1/1/1978 - 4/1/1980$24,063.78AlfredS.Sussman   Regents of the University of MichiganAnn ArborMI48109-1382USA1977EducationInstitutes for Higher Education FacultyEducation Programs24063.78024063.780

To sponsor a 3-day conference to develop a philosophical base for future graduate education in a post-industrial society.

To hold a three-day Conference on the Philosophy of Graduate Education, which will develop a philosophical base for future graduate education in a post-industrial society.