EH-50075-06 | Education Programs: Institutes for Higher Education Faculty | Georgia College and State University | Reconsidering Flannery O’Connor | 10/1/2006 - 12/31/2007 | $155,604.00 | Bruce | | Gentry | | | | Georgia College and State University | Milledgeville | GA | 31061-3375 | USA | 2006 | American Literature | Institutes for Higher Education Faculty | Education Programs | 155604 | 0 | 150984 | 0 | A four-week institute for twenty-five college and university faculty on the meaning of Flannery O'Connor's works and the critical issues they raise.
Flannery O’Connor is the subject of numerous critical studies that arrive at widely varying conclusions about the value and meaning of her works. O’Connor is important for many reasons: her sophisticated explorations of religion; her intelligent engagement with significant theologians and philosophers; her investigations of violence and evil; her unique responses to the traditions of American literature and to the cultural forces of her time, esp. those having to do with race issues and social activism; her ability to identify with outsiders, including children and the disabled and even those who perpetrate violence; her fascinating conflictedness over gender; and her skill as a stylist whose intent was often satirical. “Reconsidering O’Connor” will assist participants in examining O’Connor in relation to all of the important issues raised by her works. |