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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
EH-50147-07Education Programs: Institutes for Higher Education FacultyRegents of the University of California, Santa CruzVenice, the Jews, and Italian Culture: Historical Eras and Cultural Representations10/1/2007 - 12/31/2008$199,285.00Murray Baumgarten   Regents of the University of California, Santa CruzSanta CruzCA95064-1077USA2007Jewish StudiesInstitutes for Higher Education FacultyEducation Programs19928501992850

A five-week institute for twenty-four college and university teachers in Venice on Jewish experience in the Venetian Ghetto, and its cultural, intellectual, and historical contexts.

This interdisciplinary institute explores the cultural, intellectual, and historic experience of Venetian Jewry. Our focus is the Ghetto of Venice, which gave its name to all such subsequent ethnic enclosures. We will explore, discuss and analyze the history of the Ghetto of Venice as built environment, cultural text and symbolic site. Our inquiry encompasses the literary, artistic and dramatic representations of Italian and Venetian Jews. The Institute will begin with the Renaissance, while emphasizing the modern experience of Venetian Jewry, a paradigmatic Italian Jewish community. The beneficiaries are college and university teachers in European culture, literature, art, and history, Holocaust studies, Italian studies and Jewish studies.