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Grant number like: EI-*0579-77

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
EI-*0579-77Education Programs: Institutional DevelopmentUniversity of California, BerkeleyNEH Supportof the Humanities Componet of the Program in Jurisprudence and Social Policy and School of Law1/1/1978 - 12/31/1981$197,586.00Philip Selznick   University of California, BerkeleyBerkeleyCA94704-5940USA1977Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralInstitutional DevelopmentEducation Programs1975860189998.910

To support and enrich a new program in Jurisprudence and Social Policy by providing extra resources for an initial period of curriculum development, with a specific focus on the humanities component of that program; to develop selected courses and course materials; to clarify the roles of philosophy, history, comparative studies, and cultural studies within the larger multidisciplinary effort.