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Grant number like: EP-*0147-78

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
EP-*0147-78Education Programs: Pilot Grants - EducationStanford UniversityProject to Develop & Implement Courses on: "The Female Experience"1/1/1978 - 6/30/1979$49,953.00DianeW.Middlebrook   Stanford UniversityStanfordCA94305-2004USA1977Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralPilot Grants - EducationEducation Programs499530499530

To develop two courses examining the condition of modern Western women from the perspective of her Victorian heritage: a sequence of two courses on "The Female Experience," the first subtitled "Victorian Heritage," and the second "Modern Woman." Through an integration of present research facilities and faculty interests, a scholarly program will be developed to meet increasing student interest in women-related issues.