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Grant number like: EP-*0724-79

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
EP-*0724-79Education Programs: Pilot Grants - EducationCooper Union for the Advancement of Science and ArtTesting of an Integrated Humanities/ Engineering Course9/1/1979 - 8/31/1980$33,527.00CharlesE.Huckaba   Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and ArtNew YorkNY10003-7120USA1979EthicsPilot Grants - EducationEducation Programs335270335270

To test a new type of humanities course that includes ethics, social concerns--generally a socio-historical perspective in professional education. The unique feature at the course is the horizontal integration of humanities/technical matter, team-taught by an engineer and a humanist.