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Grant number like: EP-*1974-80

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
EP-*1974-80Education Programs: Pilot Grants - EducationMassachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health SciencesInterpersonal Communication in the Health Professions: A Humanistic Approach1/1/1981 - 6/30/1982$39,720.00Amy Kirle Lezberg   Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health SciencesBostonMA02115-5896USA1980Philosophy, GeneralPilot Grants - EducationEducation Programs397200397200

To complete preparation of an implement a new (and potential model) advanced level course that draws on literature, philosophy, and history to infuse the concepts and values of the humanities directly into the professional education of students in the health care professions.