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Grant number like: ES-*0347-77

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
ES-*0347-77Education Programs: Institutes for K-12 EducatorsAmerican Bar AssociationLAW AND THE HUMANITIES: A DESIGN FOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION4/1/1977 - 4/30/1981$371,240.00Norman Gross   American Bar AssociationChicagoIL60611-3152USA1977Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralInstitutes for K-12 EducatorsEducation Programs269886101354269886101354

To institute a three-year program designed to revitalized citizenship education and other courses in the elementary school curriculum through programs in law and the humanities, which will examine the role of law, its underlying values, and humanistic issues raised by the law. Program will consist of a symposium to formulate programmatic guidelines, a two-week summer institute to begin preparation of models and materials, and a regional conference to critique and disseminate the models and various field-testing, consulting and dissemination activities.