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Grant number like: ES-*0705-78

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
ES-*0705-78Education Programs: Institutes for K-12 EducatorsCultural Council FoundationAmerican/African Children's Exchange7/1/1978 - 6/30/1980$69,376.00Louise Crane   Cultural Council FoundationNew YorkNY10010-7703USA1978Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralInstitutes for K-12 EducatorsEducation Programs693760693760

To conduct a training program to help elementary teachers improve their understanding of Africa, develop a model for integrating cultural studies into curriculum, acquire new tools and resources for achieving educational objectives, and deal more relevantly with basic human values and concerns. 20 teachers and 300 students will participate in the initial program after which at least 20 other schools, museums, and teachers' groups will be included.