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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
ES-50445-12Education Programs: Institutes for K-12 EducatorsMichigan State UniversityAfrica in World History10/1/2012 - 12/31/2013$172,171.00Nwando Achebe   Michigan State UniversityEast LansingMI48824-3407USA2012African HistoryInstitutes for K-12 EducatorsEducation Programs1721710170390.240

A four-week institute for twenty-five high school teachers to explore the role of Africa in world history.

Michigan State University Department of History and African Studies Center propose a four week NEH Summer Institute for 25 high school history teachers to strengthen their teaching about Africa in world history. The Institute will focus on three themes in African history - gender, religion, and politics that will be woven throughout three units of the Institute on "Big Eras" as defined by U.S. high school world history standards. Case studies will be drawn from West, East, Central, and Southern Africa. The Institute will give teachers an understanding of broad themes in African history that can be conveyed to students in a world history course. The Institute will engage teachers in a dynamic learning community with expert faculty from MSU and other universities and a teacher educator who will lead sessions about teaching practice and developing curriculum projects. Participants also will benefit from using the MSU Africana library collection,one of the top six in the country.