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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
EZ-50278-09Education Programs: Faculty Humanities WorkshopsMonuments Men Foundation for the Preservation of ArtMonuments Men Foundation Pilot Teacher Training Workshop10/1/2008 - 5/31/2009$30,000.00RobertM.Edsel   Monuments Men Foundation for the Preservation of ArtDallasTX75206-6010USA2008U.S. HistoryFaculty Humanities WorkshopsEducation Programs300000300000

The applicant has requested a Chairman's grant of $30,00 to support the design and implementation of a teacher training workshop, in-person and on-line, focusing on the history of the Monuments Men, who were charged with preserving cultural treasures during World War II. The Monuments Men Foundation for the Preservation of Art, which in 2007 received the National Humanities Medal, will build on the PBS documentary film The Rape of Europa and later programs that depict the labors, during time of war, of art and architectural historians, archaeologists, and others trained in preservation of cultural assets. As the World War II generation passes, the Foundation has spearheaded the collection of relevant (and fascinating) memoirs, first-hand accounts, histories, images, and videos. It has already lined up educators who can bring the work of the Monuments Men into the lives of schoolchildren as well as the public. The Foundation will use the Chairman's Grant to run a pilot teacher workshop in Dallas, Texas, which will include "Educator Packets." These packets will include a film/video, as well as materials and resources to help teachers incorporate into the classroom environment. Thereafter the video will be available online at no charge, at The Rape of Europa website. The NEH Chairman's Grant of $30,000 will enable the Monuments Men Foundation to contract for services of educational experts, fund the pilot workshop, and leverage further donor opportunities to take the workshop to other cities.

Establish a pilot program workshop for school educators, grades 6 through college, to learn about the work of the Monuments Men of WWII and demonstrate how their legacy ansd remarkable stories can be utilized in the classroom.