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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
FA-54063-08Research Programs: Fellowships for University TeachersJohn M. DorisThe Philosophy and Psychology of the Self4/1/2009 - 12/31/2009$50,400.00JohnM.Doris   Washington UniversitySt. LouisMO63130-4862USA2007EthicsFellowships for University TeachersResearch Programs504000378000

In philosophy, persons are often distinguished by a propensity for reflection -- a conscious and concerted mentation effecting control of behavior. In psychology, quantities of research on automatic processing suggest that this philosophical conception of persons is unrealistic; much human behavior is not consciously controlled, and evaluatively incongruent with the deliverances of reflection. A psychologically lifelike conception of persons will therefore de-emphasize reflection; instead, the human ethical distinctiveness marked with such philosophical honorifics as "person," "agency," and "the self" is to be found in the narrative transactions by which humans living in groups order their lives.