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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
FB-52667-06Research Programs: Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent ScholarsPaul David BuellDocumenting the Medicine of the Mongol Era in China: Huihui Yaofang, "Muslim Medicinal Recipes"4/1/2006 - 3/31/2007$40,000.00PaulDavidBuell   Western Washington UniversityBellinghamWA98225-5996USA2005Asian StudiesFellowships for College Teachers and Independent ScholarsResearch Programs400000400000

Requested is one year of support to allow the applicant to complete an on-going translation of the manuscript known as the Huihui yaofang, “Muslim Medicinal Recipes.” This text comprises the surviving portions (15%, 500 pages) of a Mongol-era encyclopedia of Islamic medicine. It is a unique document pointing up the importance of the East-West and West-East contacts in China under Mongol rule. The purpose of the project is to make a complete and accurate translation, properly introduced, available to both a Sinological and non-Sinological audience to enable further, cooperative study, necessary to evaluate a complex text fully.