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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
FEL-267576-20Research Programs: FellowshipsSusan Elizabeth GagliardiMapping Senufo: African Art History and the Art-Historical Monograph in the Era of Digital Publication2/1/2020 - 8/31/2020$35,000.00SusanElizabethGagliardi   Emory UniversityAtlantaGA30322-1018USA2019African StudiesFellowshipsResearch Programs350000350000

Preparation of a digital publication that analyzes and reinterprets the term “Senufo,” a designation used for an important class of artworks from West Africa.

Mapping Senufo—an in-progress, collaborative, born-digital publication project I initiated and now co-direct—contributes to my larger effort to forge alternate possibilities for how scholars study “traditional” arts of Africa and present findings to broad audiences. Mapping Senufo also reflects a commitment to taking seriously the long-established understanding that a marker of identity, like the labeling of an art style or knowledge itself, is historically constituted, fluid, and positional. The multimodal, digital publication that the project team is developing will exemplify in its form the contingent nature of identities, art style labeling, and knowledge production. With a seven-month NEH-Mellon Fellowship for Digital Publication, I will generate text for the publication’s introduction and a chapter-equivalent section of it, and I will lead the project team in completing the chapter-equivalent section to submit to Stanford University Press for review.