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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
FT-52412-04Research Programs: Summer StipendsChristopher Stephen IvicThe Subject of Britain, 1603-16606/1/2004 - 8/31/2004$5,000.00ChristopherStephenIvic   SUNY Research Foundation, College at PotsdamPotsdamNY13676-2200USA2004British LiteratureSummer StipendsResearch Programs5000050000

My project explores the ways in which various seventeenth-century subjects responded to the emergence of a multi-national British state. My work is informed by the new British historiography, a plural political history that has paved the way for literary historians to glean valuable new perspectives on literary and extra-literary texts in light of the wider British context that informed, indeed enabled, their production. In pursuit of these rich possibilities, my project focuses on a range of cultural texts and artifacts devoted to Britain and Britishness produced between 1603 and 1660, a crucial period of cultural interaction in the British Isles.