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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
FT-52641-04Research Programs: Summer StipendsJeff Wayne ChildersThe Syriac Version of John Chrysostom's Homilies on John (1-30)6/1/2004 - 8/31/2004$5,000.00JeffWayneChilders   Abilene Christian UniversityAbileneTX79601-3761USA2004Classical LiteratureSummer StipendsResearch Programs5000050000

Although Chrysostom's texts were originally Greek, Syriac versions were made early, and Syriac manuscripts of the 5th-7th centuries greatly predate the earliest Greek ones by 3-5 centuries. Yet the Syriac has not been edited or translated. This project will edit and translate the Syriac text of Chrysostom's Homilies 1-30 on John's Gospel from extant manuscripts, for publication in the series, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium. Not only will the project enrich our knowledge of an ancient, eastern literature--it will also provide invaluable information for those preparing critical editions of the Greek texts, and it will help expand the window looking into the dynamics of cultural exchange that the early Syriac translation tradition so famously provides.