FT-54882-07 | Research Programs: Summer Stipends | Stuart Alexander Marks | Living On a Threshold: Identity, Images, and Illusions of an African Landscape | 6/1/2007 - 8/31/2007 | $5,000.00 | Stuart | Alexander | Marks | | | | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill | NC | 27599-1350 | USA | 2007 | Anthropology | Summer Stipends | Research Programs | 5000 | 0 | 5000 | 0 |
This study assumes that place centered, interdisciplinary study is critical for discourse on cultural conflicts and identities. Within Zambia's Luangwa Valley, the loom of time has woven over the past 150 years a dense cultural and environmental tapestry of choice, constraint, and chance transformations in human and wildlife relationships . My manuscript begins with pre-colonial intrusions by the Arab and European worlds and ends with the creation of weak state agencies and regulations backed by global interests in conservation and biodiversity. Discussed and edited by valley residents in 2006, the final sections will be completed during this Summer Stipend. |