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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
FV-50360-13Education Programs: Seminars for K-12 EducatorsSan Diego State University FoundationThe Political Theory of Hannah Arendt: The Problem of Evil and the Origins of Totalitarianism10/1/2013 - 9/30/2015$141,920.00KathleenB.Jones   San Diego State University FoundationSan DiegoCA92182-1931USA2013Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralSeminars for K-12 EducatorsEducation Programs1419200129966.290

A five-week seminar for sixteen school teachers to study three major works by political theorist Hannah Arendt.

During this five-week seminar we will study intensively several key works by the political theorist, Hannah Arendt. These works shed light on the problem of evil and the use of terror in the contemporary age, and provide a philosophical perspective on current debates about the use of violence to settle political conflicts, about the conditions of democracy, and about the scope and importance of human rights.