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Grant number like: GE-50092-09

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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
GE-50092-09Public Programs: America's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Planning GrantsChippewa Valley Museum, Inc.Intersections5/1/2009 - 10/31/2010$40,000.00SusanM.McLeod   Chippewa Valley Museum, Inc.Eau ClaireWI54702-1204USA2009U.S. HistoryAmerica's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Planning GrantsPublic Programs400000400000

Planning for an exhibition and related programming that focuses on the history of settlement to Wisconsin's Chippewa Valley.

The Chippewa Valley Museum (CVM) requests $40,000 to plan Intersections, a major exhibit and related programming. Everyone who lives in Wisconsin's Chippewa Valley today came from somewhere else or is descended from someone who did. This is true of Ojibwes, American Indians migrating here in the 17th century; Europeans who arrived in the 19th century lumber boom; Hmong refugees re-settled in the U.S. in the 1970s; and Somalis coming now to work in the poultry industry. Community formation is an exchange between people. Intersections between those here and those newly arrived have shaped Chippewa Valley communities, bringing energy and character to our region. Intersections developed from study of scholarly theories and re-interpretations and CVM's regional research and collecting. Nationally recognized scholars and museum specialists, and historians with regional research interests will advise the planning.