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Grant number like: GM-50324-04

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
GM-50324-04Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Museums and Historical OrganizationsB.B. King Museum and Delta Interpretive CenterInterpretive Planning for the B. B. King Museum8/1/2004 - 2/28/2005$9,988.00R.AllanHammons   B.B. King Museum and Delta Interpretive CenterIndianolaMS38751-1704USA2004Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralHumanities Projects in Museums and Historical OrganizationsPublic Programs9988099880

Consultation with scholars and interpretive specialists to plan core exhibitions and programs for a new museum interpreting the life and work of B.B. King and Mississippi's Blues heritage.