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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
HAA-280982-21Digital Humanities: Digital Humanities Advancement GrantsAllegheny CollegeAn Engaging Digital Curriculum for Intermediate Chinese Language and Culture9/1/2021 - 8/31/2022$48,355.90Xiaoling Shi   Allegheny CollegeMeadvillePA16335-3903USA2021Asian LanguagesDigital Humanities Advancement GrantsDigital Humanities48355.90483550

Convening a three-day meeting bringing together Chinese language scholars, instructors, and digital technologists to design a free online curriculum for teaching Chinese language in a cultural context. 

Our proposed curriculum intends to advance a pedagogical shift in language teaching by taking up opportunities afforded by Web 2.0 to explore ways to improve communicative competence and develop critical cultural awareness. Three characteristics are: creating an immersive learning environment by pulling in rich resources from the online world; engaging learners by utilizing online engagement tools/platforms and social media; developing critical cultural awareness by taking advantage of the immersion and engagement created. It will serve as a model for curriculum design not only for other less commonly taught languages, but also for language and culture teaching as a whole. A Level 1 grant will enable Allegheny College to convene a conference to collect comments and feedback on experiments and innovations made in classrooms and revise them accordingly. The project will culminate with a white paper and a website delineating if, why, and how the digital curriculum will achieve its goals.