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Grant number like: HC-50003-08

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
Page size:
 1 items in 1 pages
HC-50003-08Digital Humanities: Cooperative Agreements and Special Projects (Digital Humanities)Virginia Foundation for the HumanitiesWorkshop to Examine the Digital Needs of Documentary Editors10/1/2007 - 6/30/2008$27,533.00HollyC.Shulman   Virginia Foundation for the HumanitiesCharlottesvilleVA22903-4625USA2007Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralCooperative Agreements and Special Projects (Digital Humanities)Digital Humanities275330275330

This proposal seeks [$] to fund a workshop to explore the possibilities of establishing a Center for Scholarly Electronic Documentary Editions (CSEDE). This center will provide the expertise and infrastructure to enable editors and scholars to produce digital editions, either as born-digital products or as conversions from long-standing letterpress editions. Such a center could accomplish a number of different purposes including: cost cutting through economies of scale; relieving scholars and editors of the need to acquire staff and knowledge of electronic tools; and facilitating interoperability between editions. The workshop will bring fifteen-to-seventeen different stakeholders (editors, scholars, university press representatives, and university professors) to the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities in Charlottesville to seek their advice as to how such a center might best work.