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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
HD-50051-07Digital Humanities: Digital Humanities Start-Up GrantsUniversity of VirginiaArtists' Books Online: From Prototype to Distributed Community6/1/2007 - 6/30/2009$30,000.00Johanna Drucker   University of VirginiaCharlottesvilleVA22903-4833USA2007Media StudiesDigital Humanities Start-Up GrantsDigital Humanities300000300000

The testing and implementation of a prototype for digitizing artists' books by a group of curators, artists, critics, and scholars who will expand the use and population of this virtual resource through a distributed content model.

Artists' books are original works of art produced in traditional and experimental formats. An increasing number of scholars are taking an interest in this field. But critical scholarship depends on having access to these works - many of which are rare, out-of-print, and difficult to locate. Artists' Books Online is a networked digital resource designed to provide access to these books in virtual facsimile as page images accompanied by extensive metadata in a form that creates substantial commentary. The infrastructure of the ABsOnline prototype has been designed to aggregate materials that are geographically dispersed into a single "collection" of online objects. NEH funded activity would test a model of "distributed content development" for the repository. By working with a handful of selected collaborators, I will test the viability of building a community of contributors and scaling this prototype of collaborative, online scholarship.