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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
HK-50128-13Digital Humanities: Digital Humanities Implementation GrantsNew York Public LibraryScribe: Turning Text into Structured Information through the Power of the Crowd9/1/2013 - 8/31/2015$325,000.00Benjamin Vershbow   New York Public LibraryNew YorkNY10016-0109USA2013Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralDigital Humanities Implementation GrantsDigital Humanities3250000321896.130

Further development of Scribe, an open-source, extensible software platform for crowdsourced transcription of cultural heritage collections, including tools for transcription management, quality control, and data sharing.

The New York Public Library seeks to partner with the renowned citizen science team at Zooniverse to build Scribe: an open source transcription engine geared toward flexible, structured data extraction from a wide range of humanities documents. The final deliverable would be a developer-ready, open source transcription engine with an adjustable data schema, enabling scholars and curators to easily decide on a wide range of interactions with a document, keeping technical hurdles to a minimum. Based on an initial prototype built by Zooniverse, the tool would be developed collaboratively over two years through the release of several new humanities projects from the respective teams. At the end of the project, all code would be open sourced alongside a website publishing best practices and live demos of the various out-of-the-box modes of the engine.