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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
LJ-50005-11Public Programs: Small Grants to Libraries: King James BibleTifton-Tift County Public LibraryManifold Greatness: The Creation and Afterlife of the King James Bible12/1/2012 - 2/28/2013$2,500.00VictoriaAnnHorst   Tifton-Tift County Public LibraryTiftonGA31794-4468USA2011Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralSmall Grants to Libraries: King James BiblePublic Programs2500025000

This project will bring the the exhibition Manifold Greatness: The Creation and Afterlife of the King James Bible to Tifton, GA. The exhibit and other community materials supporting the theme of the exhibit will be housed in the museum (a converted church)next door to the library. All programming surrounding the exhibit will be held in the library meeting room. The Library Foundation has offered to underwrite some expenses and provide services such as advertising, PR and volunteer staffing.