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Grant number like: PA-50318-04

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
Page size:
 1 items in 1 pages
PA-50318-04Preservation and Access: Preservation/Access ProjectsTucson Museum of Art and Historic Block, Inc.General Preservation Assessment of the Art of the Americas Collection1/1/2004 - 6/30/2005$5,000.00SusanM.Dolan   Tucson Museum of Art and Historic Block, Inc.TucsonAZ85701-8218USA2003Interdisciplinary Studies, GeneralPreservation/Access ProjectsPreservation and Access5000050000

A general preservation assessment of the museum's Art of the Americas Collection comprising 2,400 artifacts that includes 500 Pre-Columbian artifacts (pottery, jewelry and textiles), 1,100 Mexican folk art objects, 245 dance masks, 108 Mexican votive paintings, and papier mâché, ceramic, metal, and lacquer ware artifacts from cultures in the American Southwest and Central America.