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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
PC-50026-06Preservation and Access: Grants to Preserve and Create Access to Humanities CollectionsNTHPGulf Coast Emergency Assessment and Technical Assistance HURRICANE KATRINA EMERGENCY GRANT1/1/2006 - 6/30/2006$30,000.00Peter Brink   NTHPWashingtonDC20037-1905USA2006Museum Studies or Historical PreservationGrants to Preserve and Create Access to Humanities CollectionsPreservation and Access300000300000

Thousands of historic structures across the Gulf Coast were destroyed or damaged by Hurricane Katrina. New Orleans alone contains 20 National Register Historic Districts with 37,000 individual buildings and 20 National Historic Landmarks. Shortly after Katrina's landfall, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, a private, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to saving historic places and revitalizing America's communities, began to coordinate preservation experts interested in helping develop preliminary stabilization measures in the affected region. The National Trust is joining with the Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans, the Mississippi Heritage Trust, State Historic Preservation Officers, the American Institute of Architects, and the World Monuments Fund to select and dispatch teams of architects, conservators, and engineers to provide advice on the long-term preservation of the Gulf Coast's built heritage. The teams are being assembled from more than 1,000 volunteers who have registered to date through the National Trust Web site.