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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
Page size:
 1 items in 1 pages
PD-50019-12Preservation and Access: Documenting Endangered Languages - PreservationUniversity of PennsylvaniaKashaya (kju) Database and Dictionary6/1/2012 - 6/30/2015$216,698.00Eugene Buckley   University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaPA19104-6205USA2012Native American StudiesDocumenting Endangered Languages - PreservationPreservation and Access2166980215960.760

the creation of an online database, dictionary, and grammatical sketch of Kashaya, a Pomoan language spoken in northern California, based on archival resources and new fieldwork and analysis.

(edited by staff) Kashaya is a critically endangered Native American language of the Pomoan family in northern California. The goal of this project is to develop an electronic database of lexical information, and a grammatical sketch, derived from the notes of Robert Oswalt, a linguist who worked with native speakers in the late 1950s, and from new field research and analysis. The database will be used to generate a complete published dictionary of Kashaya for use by scholars and other researchers, and to create a pedagogical dictionary and targeted word lists and other materials for use in teaching. The published dictionary will serve as a comprehensive reference for language learners, and a grammatical sketch will be written to be accessible to more advanced learners. The lexical database will be used to produce the pedagogical dictionary along with a variety of word lists by semantic area (such as kinship terms, plant names, or verbs of movement), according to the needs of instructors and language learners. The data collected-recordings of interviews with speakers, and the electronic database that is developed-will be archived at the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages at University of California, Berkeley, to ensure their long-term preservation as well as access by scholars and community members.