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Grant number like: PE-50012-08

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
Page size:
 1 items in 1 pages
PE-50012-08Preservation and Access: Preservation and Access Education and TrainingUnaffiliated independent scholarRegional Preservation Field Services for the Southeast7/1/2008 - 6/30/2010$512,000.00MarleeDornGivens    AtlantaGA30309USA2007Library SciencePreservation and Access Education and TrainingPreservation and Access5000001200050000012000

A regional preservation field service program that provides preservation surveys, workshops, and educational materials to libraries, archives, and historical organizations in the Southeast.

SOLINET proposes to provide preservation education and training, reference and information services, and consultations to libraries, archives, and cultural organizations in the Southeast, to improve the ability of institutions to preserve and provide access to information resources and collections. These institutions hold extensive and valuable resources collected over many years to support education, research, and community services in the humanities. Through the Preservation Field Services project, SOLINET will increase preservation knowledge and skills among staff at cultural organizations, provide support for effective preservation planning and management, and strengthen community and regional preservation networks. Project activities include face-to-face and web-based classes, presentations, reference services, disaster assistance, electronic information creation and distribution, and needs assessments.