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Grant number like: PG-50568-09

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
Page size:
 1 items in 1 pages
PG-50568-09Preservation and Access: Preservation Assistance GrantsCity of DentonPreserving and Protecting the Denton Public Library Special Collections2/1/2009 - 7/31/2010$5,997.00Kathleen Strauss   City of DentonDentonTX76201-4229USA2008Library SciencePreservation Assistance GrantsPreservation and Access5997059970

The purchase of preservation supplies for rehousing significant portions of the library's special collections. These materials focus on the history of Denton and the state of Texas and are heavily used by authors, educators, and family historians in the region and beyond.

The Denton Public Library proposes to use the funding from the NEH Preservation Assistance Grant to purchase archival supplies to rehouse and protect the materials in the Denton Public Library Special Collections. The project will focus on the three collections within the Special Collections: Genealogy, Texana, and Denton, Texas. Each collection contains a variety of materials in various formats, including: monographs, serials, pamphlets, audio tapes, maps, photographs, newspapers, microforms, scrapbooks, historic vertical files, and rare books.