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Grant number like: PG-50954-10

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
Page size:
 1 items in 1 pages
PG-50954-10Preservation and Access: Preservation Assistance GrantsNew York City Police MuseumThe New York City Police Museum: Archival Assessment1/1/2010 - 6/30/2011$6,000.00Elizabeth Spinelli   New York City Police MuseumNew YorkNY10005-3539USA2009Archival Management and ConservationPreservation Assistance GrantsPreservation and Access6000060000

A general preservation assessment of the museum's archival collections documenting the history and culture of the New York City Police Department, the oldest police force in the United States. Funding will also support archival training for staff at the Modern Archives Institute. The records include photographs, precinct records, policy manuals, and artifacts dating from the mid-19th century.

The National Endowment for the Humanities Preservation Assistance Grant will support the overall assessment of The New York City Police Museum's archival holdings. The Museum will acquire the service of a professional archival consultant to conduct the assessment. The consultant will provide an overall assessment detailing the size and scope of the archives and identifying the different types of archival records we maintain, their physical condition, storage and environmental conditions and recommendations for the continued maintenance of the collection. The consultant, in conjunction with the Registrar will use the assessment to develop both long term and short term plans for the establishment and management of an archive at The New York City Police Museum. The remaining award monies will be used to fund the professional training of the Museum's Registrar. The Registrar is interested in attending the 2010 Modern Archives Institute, in Washington DC.