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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
PR-234554-16Preservation and Access: Research and DevelopmentCarnegie InstituteArt Tracks: Standardizing Digital Provenance Documentation for Cultural Objects1/1/2016 - 12/31/2017$350,000.00Sarah Minnaert   Carnegie InstitutePittsburghPA15213-4007USA2015Arts, OtherResearch and DevelopmentPreservation and Access153390196610151390108557

The development of a standard for the digital sharing of provenance information on works of art through structured Linked Open Data, which will improve the usefulness of provenance data for scholarly research, exhibition programming, and museum collection management.

Art Tracks is Carnegie Museum of Art’s (CMOA) project of to standardize, digitize, and convert the provenance of works of art into structured, Linked Open Data. Phase One of this project has successfully proven the ability of Linked Open Data to create an infrastructure for sharing museum data, with field wide benefit to provenance research. Phase Two will support the extension and full integration with Linked Open Data, add bibliographic references, and convert the date logic to use existing open standards from the library community. CMOA will partner with leaders in the museum field to further test and refine the standard before promoting Art Tracks dissemination and adoption of the CMOA Provenance Standard. CMOA will strongly support the use of Linked Open Data to enrich provenance, support the interconnectedness of the museum community, improve the usefulness of provenance data, and promote new scholarship through an innovative and collaborative approach to provenance research.