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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
PY-234444-16Preservation and Access: Common HeritageClearwater Public Library SystemDiscovering Clearwater's Hidden Treasures1/1/2016 - 12/31/2016$12,000.00Linda Rothstein   Clearwater Public Library SystemClearwaterFL33755-4029USA2015Urban HistoryCommon HeritagePreservation and Access12000010313.550

As part of the city’s centennial celebration in 2016, the Clearwater Public Library in Florida would hold digitization events at its five branches to capture residents’ historical documents, photographs, and artifacts. Following the digitization events, each branch would host a lecture to reveal the items discovered, featuring local history experts discussing the history of Clearwater and the branch’s neighborhood. Digitized materials would be made available via the library’s Pinellas Memory Project website. As one of the earliest points of contact between the Old World and the New, Clearwater’s history includes unsuccessful Spanish missions, railroad development, the sponge industry, and beach tourism. Each of the five library branches represents a unique constituency, including: an area mainly frequented by tourists with a small number of permanent residents; a planned community; a Spanish-speaking enclave; and one of Florida's first suburban neighborhoods.

In celebration of its centennial anniversary and as an extension of its “Pinellas Memory” project, the Clearwater Public Library System proposes the digitization, description and display of historical documents, photographs, artifacts and oral histories by the residents of the city. In order to accomplish this goal, the library would hold a digitization event at all of its five branches, each of which represents a diverse section of the city. The library would subsequently stage a lecture at each branch to reveal to participants and the public what items were discovered during the digitization event and how they relate to the history of the city. After indexing and tagging, items digitized at each event would be made available to the public via the library’s Pinellas Memory Project website (