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Grant number like: RA-50110-12

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Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
RA-50110-12Research Programs: Fellowship Programs at Independent Research InstitutionsWinterthur MuseumAdvanced NEH Research Fellowships at Winterthur1/1/2013 - 6/30/2016$109,350.00DavidP.Roselle   Winterthur MuseumWinterthurDE19735-1819USA2012Arts, GeneralFellowship Programs at Independent Research InstitutionsResearch Programs10935001093500

Two four-month fellowships a year for three years at the Winterthur Museum. Grant funds support fellows' stipends and help defray expenses related to the process of selecting fellows.

Winterthur Museum, Garden, & Library is committed to lifelong learning in the humanities, and support from NEH's Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions is a critical component of this endeavor. To this end, Winterthur requests funding for three years of fellowship aid for 2013-16, at eight months of aid per year (two four-month semesters per year). Our research fellows have diverse interests and backgrounds, but are united by their interest in studying American history through material culture. Drawn to Winterthur by the strength of our research collections, our commitment to scholarly activities, and our facilities, former fellows have included leading scholars in American social and cultural history, and publications resulting from their work have been cited for scholarly excellence