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Grant number like: RQ-260886-18

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 1 items in 1 pages
Award Number Grant ProgramAward RecipientProject TitleAward PeriodApproved Award Total
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 1 items in 1 pages
RQ-260886-18Research Programs: Scholarly Editions and TranslationsUniversity of VirginiaA Born-Digital Documentary Edition of the Letters of Dolley Payne Todd Madison10/1/2018 - 4/30/2021$195,670.00HollyC.Shulman   University of VirginiaCharlottesvilleVA22903-4833USA2018U.S. HistoryScholarly Editions and TranslationsResearch Programs19567001956700

Preparation for digital publication of the papers of Dolley Madison (1786-1849), wife of the fourth president, James Madison. (24 months)

The Dolley Madison Digital Edition (DMDE) is a born-digital publication of the complete corpus of Dolley Payne Todd Madison (1768-1849). As the wife of America’s fourth president, James Madison, Dolley Madison was the first and most significant First Lady of the 19th century, carving out a paradigm that resonates even today. This proposal seeks two years of funding to publish Volume XIII (Undated Documents), from July of 2019 through June of 2021. This trove of undated material, some 400 documents, spans Dolley Madison’s lifetime and will fill in myriad cracks in her corpus. The new materials slated for publication in the proposed volume will add depth and perspective for individuals researching gender and women’s studies, society, economics, slavery, and politics in the Early Republic and the Jacksonian Era.